Stocks of Bottled Water Come Handy in Case Drought Hits NC Once More

Home / Stocks of Bottled Water Come Handy in Case Drought Hits NC Once More

The infamous North Carolina droughts may not seem to be anywhere near the horizon this year, but this does not mean that locals could afford to be complacent in their preparations in case one does occur sometime soon.

nc should make wise water decisions in times of plenty


Greg Characklis shares through News Observer his thoughts on keeping ready for the sudden arrival of drought, no matter what season may be, especially given the region’s history:


“Given the abundant rainfall in the Triangle over the last several months, it is easy to forget that within the last 15 years North Carolina has experienced the state’s two most severe droughts on record.


The 2002 and 2007-and 08 droughts caused serious harm not only to the state’s natural resources, but also to the state’s economy, including the agricultural sector, real estate development interests and numerous other water-dependent industries.


This year, a wet spring means that most of North Carolina heads into the summer with an ample water supply, but recent experience tells us these circumstances can change quickly. Population growth and economic development continue to drive increasing water demands, such that even if rainfall patters remain unchanged, the state will have trouble developing new supplies rapidly enough to keep pace.”


What can be considered to be the silver lining arising from the two previous instances of drought is that it awakened the government to come up with legislation that will address the need for alternative sources of water supply. Water conservation planning was also prioritized, and policies intended to reduce the impact of water scarcity are also being addressed.


Then again, considering how the population has increased in the years following the most recent drought, these policies and steps being taken must also be updated. As with any increase in population, shortening of resources is sure to follow suit unless appropriate adjustments are made.


If there’s one thing that North Carolina residents have in their favor, however, it’s their experience in dealing with drought. In fact, the residents of Montague, California could take a page out of North Carolina’s drought book, considering how the former is currently going through their own dry spell. The situation has gotten so bad that their main water source, Lake Shastina, is practically all dried up. Montague residents had to resort to relying on bottled water delivery services to try and conserve as much as they can.


For all the uses of water, having some to drink is definitely a top priority. That’s why it is also important that folks keep stock of bottled water so that they will have something refreshing to drink on the ready, in case the drought suddenly comes bearing down the state once more.


Source: (NC should make wise water decisions in time of plenty, News Observer, 15 June 2014).

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